Thursday, August 2, 2012

Who should be #2 for the Skins?

I heard this subject come up earlier today on the Holden and Danny show on 106.7 in DC and I thought I would post my two cents on the matter.

The question was asked:"Who should be the Redskins backup quarterback? Rex Grossman or Kirk Cousins?

The two hosts gave their opposing views and most of the fans that called in seemed to overwhelmingly support Grossman in the backup role.

I can see the point of view that Rex has been in the system, he knows the "Shanahan way" and he can tell you where the ball should go on each and every progression. The logic is that someone with that type of mind should be held on to in order to tutor the new Starter, rookie Robert Griffin III.

While I can say the case can be made that Grossman would be the obvious choice, I have to disagree with the majority from the small sample size.

First, let me say there is no bias in my viewpoint. I am not a Redskins fan but I have had a lot of exposure to the team over the years that I have lived in the area. When Mike Shanahan was brought to Redskins park, one of the major renovations that needed to be done was to "change the culture".

Over the last 20 years, Washington has not been able to realize the glory that "The Hogs" from back in the day brought to the city. The culture has been one of losing, one of the quick fix (bandaid if you will). The idea that you could buy a bunch of names, put them together, and have success in the NFL is a bit absurd.

Football is a team game. One where players have to rely on each other to execute schemes and plays in order to be successful on a consistent level. Sure, there are players with unique talents, ones that stand out among the rest, but often times these players would not achieve a high level of success without the support of their teammates.

After all, the NFL is the best of the best. Getting back to the question, Shanahan appears to have made changes for the better. While there will always be questions regarding decision making, I think that the decision to move away from Grossman as much as possible is most beneficial for this team.

Grossman can "coach" and mentor but let the coaches do what they are paid to do. They drafted Cousins for some reason. Apparently they thought he may have what it takes to play at the highest level. You have to evaluate his training camp, his preseason play and then you make the decision. If it appears that he does indeed have potential, you go with the youngster.

Grossman has proven what he is in the NFL. He may know the Shanahan offense but he proved most of last year, he also knows how to blow it up. Turnover after turnover contributed to loss after loss. I'm not saying he lost all of those games single handedly but some of his decision making and play did not help the situation.

You have to be realistic that as good as Griffin may be, all of the upside that he has, there is always the chance he will get dinged. Short term or long term, if he can't play, you have to have someone to step in. You know what your getting with Grossman. If you think that Cousins can play even in the backup role, not necessarily as a full time starter, then give him the chance to play.

After all, what do you have to lose at this point? Change the culture!

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