Thursday, December 23, 2021

Today's thoughts

Today we had an HVAC Technician come to our home for the 3rd time. The first was diagnostic but the two times back he has been unable to repair our furnace. 

First, it was a defective part and now he doesn't know why it's not working.  Its frustrating not being from the field to think that after 8 hours of work,  the problem is still not determined.  Fortunately, the winter has been mold thus far. A different technician will come in 3 days so hopefully the third time will be the charm.

On another note, I'm bored. I've been awake for awhile and have accomplished quite a bit. Now I'm waiting to go to Charlottesville and the gym. However, my wife is sleeping in the middle of the day so I'm left waiting.  Its frustrating to be full of energy and ready to go but stuck. 

Finally,  I received an email that my sons basketball league is looking for coaches.  It was exciting and I was eager to give it a try even though i know nothing about coaching basketball and have only played for fun. I was quickly reminded about classes I'm taking at school 2 days a week in the spring semester and was basically told that time wont allow for it. That's probably true and there will hopefully be other opportunities to involve myself with sports, still its disheartening.  It's very apparent that my love for sports and being involved is addictive.  The question I dont have an answer to is if that's good or bad.

Monday, September 20, 2021

Be Positive

Life is easy when things are looking up. There's a feeling of confidence when your Voy a hacer lo que quiero hacer  an Voy a hacer lo que quiero hacer  life are going well. When you see progress in your extracurriculars, the feeling of joy is superb.

When adversity hits, however, the feeling of defeat can hit like a ton of bricks. Obstacles are inevitable. Sometimes they are few and far between and other times they are more consistent than one could imagine. 

Either way, there is a choice to be made. One can accept defeat and the feelings and circumstances that come with it. Or one can be positive and choose to take the bull by the horns. I dont believe that one can generate a desired outcome,  there is a greater being that knows what will occur. I do, however, believe that one can be positive and take action toward their desired intentions which will bring a sense of joy and internal control.

Ultimately, we each have this choice. No matter what the outside world says, we choose daily. What will be the road you select?

Saturday, July 10, 2021

Miss you Mom

A year ago this evening I lost you.  We had talked earlier in the day. All seemed well and in a few short hours the worst happened. 

I missed the calls for help from the family, partly because I was sleeping. Even 2 hours away, I2 probably would not have been able to save you but I regret missing those calls.

The final years of your life, we didnt spend as much time together as we should have. It hurts me to think I was a part of the mental pain you were dealing with. 

I love you with all my heart.  I have so many memories as a child with you. Many were good but some not so much. Regardless,  you were always there for me to nurture and discipline when needed.

I tried my best to help when Dad passed but I could have done more. You always said I was a good son but I didnt feel like I did enough.

Now, I know you are in heaven and at peace. You had such a good soul and always wanted to help others.

I'm thankful that I inherited some good qualities from you and Dad and I just hope that I can be the person that I need to be to be lije you and do my best to be better. I want my family to have a good life and it starts with me being a father.

Life us tough but priorities need to be aligned and as difficult as it is at times, family comes first. 

I have not had the contact with some of the family that maybe I should have had in the past but I can only consider the future and do as best as I can each day.

Mom, I want you to know that I love you and miss you. I do everyday but especially today. I cant believe we lost you so young a year ago.

Sunday, June 20, 2021

Father's Day 2021

As I get older, time with family has become extremely important to me.  As a father since the age of 17, it has always had special meaning but with age it seems to really hit the heart chords.

Maybe it's the experience and knowing that nothing stays the same and our babies wont stay young forever.

My baby is 21 now, not exactly a toddler anymore, and I am so overjoyed everytime I see him and have been over the moon that hes come to visit,  stayed overnight,  and went on a few trips with us.

My 16 year old lives with his mom and I havent seen him in a while. Hes doing okay which is my 1st concern but i really hope i will see him again soon.

The others are all still at home, the oldest being 11.  I know I have a few years with them but that goes so fast.

When we're a kid, our parents tell us that time doesn't stand still but we dont believe it. Now that we're adults,  we know what they mean.

Speaking of parents and Fathers Day, I really miss mine but i know hes doing better than he let on during his final years here on Earth. I learned so much from him, even emwhen i didnt take his advice.  And i know sime of the personal traits and characteristics I have taken on, i learned from him.

So I'll be forever grateful for my own father and I hope that my kids will look up to me in the future and know I did my best. I'm learning from them everyday and I'm so glad I could spend quality time with the kiddos on this Father's Day 2021.

Saturday, January 2, 2021

Its Day 2

It's day two and time to see how you're doing on the goals that you set for this New Year. 

 Hopefully you've stayed focused and determined it working towards a new laws. But if you didnt stay focused or got discouraged because of something that happened it's OK.

There will be days when you are gonna feel like it's not worth it and there will be days when you get discouraged and feel like giving up because your efforts aren't getting the results you looking for.

 Get some rest and remember what your in game is. The future will only change if you change your actions so remain positive and upbeat about the difference that you're going to make and what things will look like once the change is complete.

 Tomorrow's a new day and remember Rome wasn't built in a day so let's get to it!

Friday, January 1, 2021

It's A New Year, Let's Go !

After a 2020 that was filled with a deadly virus that rocked the globe and is still affecting millions, an uprising against inequality,  and so many other issues that has most of us looking for hope, we turn the calendar page to 2021.

While it is a new year, we must remember that in order to see change, we must stay focused and remember what we are fighting for. 

Whether it's one of the global issues mentioned or something more personal,  motivation to make a difference and discipline to stay the course is necessary. 

I have personal, professional, physical, and spiritual goals I've established for myself in order to help those around me and I spent a few days last week remembering the accomplishments made in 2020. It wasn't a completely bad year and I feel good about the progress made but know theres work to be done.

Periodically,  its important to stop and smell the roses but for me now it's time to get the work.

I'm ready to make this the best year ever. Stay motivated and disciplined as you focus on your goals and together we are in for a great year!