Sunday, July 26, 2020

Does changing names change thinking?

In the past six months, there has been a spark in our world regarding racial tension and divide that exists throughout America.  People have been outspoken and support has steamrolled more than ever before. 

There has been and certainly is a need for this topic to be at the forefront.  There should never be segregation or a different circumstances set upon a group solely because of their race, gender, sexual orientation,  age, physical and mental abilities, etc.

A question regarding some of the subjects that are being used as a basis of change has come up, however. Broadly, the desire to "erase" or "change" history has become a subject of discussion. 

From statues being removed to changing high school names as well as sports mascot names, there has been a major uprising that this will promote forward movement. 

On one side, the thought is that while this will not change the past, it will show the proper approach as we discontinue honoring those who did things that weren't exactly honorable when it comes to racial equality. 

On the other side, there are those that feel by making these changes, it's simply blocking out what has already occurred in a society that wasnt as evolved as it is in present times.  

Of course,  there are still the few that have this narrow minded and irrational logic that put them in a third group. One that neither of the first two can understand and one that is going to need a real wake up call because their mentality is absurd. 

As the leaders of this group for change move forward and blaze the path for change, what are your thoughts about history and name changes as they pertain to the landscape for social change?

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