Sunday, July 12, 2020

Your childhood: Then and Now

We are a product of our environment and the foundation of our childhood. 

Some people grow up with two parents and live in outwardly appearing world of rainbows and sunshine. Others are lucky if they have one parent and it seems as if the environment they are in gives them no hope.

Finally, many of us grow up in between these two scenarios.  A home with two hardworking parents doing the best they can to provide a loving and supportive situation. 

Oftentimes unknowingly,  this environment creates issues unbeknownst to anyone at the time. Maybe theres violence,  physical, mental, or emotional that gets ignored or noted as part of life.

Most of the time, the adults are doing the best they can and are simply a product of their upbringing.  

Regarding of the reason, that early childhood foundation sets the tone for adulting and parenting for the youth that turns into an adult.

To change the thread of culture, its important to be cognizant of what positive and not-so positive experiences that occurred. It's also needed to have a plan of what you hope to provide and to be aware of what went well and what may need to be adapted to produce a different result. 

Theres no guidebook to what will work and what will not. At the end of the day, each situation typically has at least one parent doing their best.

If the mold was less than desirable for you and that is not what you want for your own children,  it's key to set the tone and aim for a desired result.

A bullseye shot may not always be obtained but the results will be in the realm of what is hoped for with the proper attention and effort.

In the end, dont sulk, blame others or feel that things are out of your control. Be grateful for your happiness and experiences. Know that your parents did the best they could with the resources they had and know you can control the same outcome by focusing on the process to achieve alterations in the outcome when you are in the adult role of a parental relationship. 

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