Saturday, July 18, 2020

In the Shadows

Why live in the shadows?

It's a safety zone to shield from discomfort.  Things you dont want to deal with or perceptions you dont want to display to others. 

This gives a false reality and doesnt allow you to be your true self. Not only is it damaging to others, it can be damaging to oneself. 

Mentally you become a false variant of your true self. Some things are genuine but many are not. The actions taken are what you thing others expect of you.
What you think is appropriate,  but ultimately things stay bottled up inside.

The more bottling, the worse the negative effects become. 

What do you do?

Be you. 

Easier said than done after years of the behaviors described above. It takes effort, being okay with feeling uncomfortable and knowing that feeling will dissipate. 

It takes a belief that the unknown is better than the known. It takes having faith and knowing a higher power has our paths predetermined.  

We have to believe and do our best to know if we put our best effort and be ourselves,  we will live our best life, we can be happy with who we are, others will see our true selves and we do not have to live in the shadows. 

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